Friday, May 15, 2009

Eye Surgery

Well, it turns out the path to Richmond isn't a straight path. It's taken an unexpected turn for the worst as of late. The day before I came home from College I went to the eye doctor to get my sight checked for an extra pair of glasses for the mish. The doctor found that my vision in my left eye (historically my weaker eye) had gotten worse. He expected the worse so asked his son (also an eye doctor) to get me an appointment with another doctor at the Moran eye center. After a frustrating four to five hours, about an hour of which was spent staring into the brightest of lights, they deduced that my retina was detached. Four days later, I found myself on an hospital bed, wearing one of those annoying gowns they make you wear. 7 hours after arriving, he began the surgery, and I finally left the place, very groggily I might add, at 10 p.m. To add insult to injury, the very next day they put 2 shots in my eye, plus a gas bubble, which meant I had to lay on my right side 24/7 for a week. That's 168 straight hours with few or no breaks. The result of the whole thing is that my departure date is set back for awhile, which means more waiting. waiting patiently is not something I do best. What makes it worse is that basically all my friends are gone, which means Blanding really is bland right now. It's needless to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway: I'm ready to get outta here! And Kudos to my parents, who have been there with me and dealt with my extended stay here, even though I'm probably more than a little annoying with my impatient manner.